iMac crasht iedere nacht – One More Thing



Ik zet mijn iMac nooit uit maar ik merk sinds enkele dagen dat mijn iMac iedere nacht opnieuw wordt opgestart vanwege een probleem. Het toestel is een iMac uit 2017 (i5, 8GB) die Cataline draait.

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Iemand een idee wat de oorzaak zou kunnen zijn?

Ter info vind je hieronder de details van de foutmelding:

panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff7f894ebad5): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from in 175 seconds
service returned not alive with context : unresponsive dispatch queue(s): 
service:, total successful checkins since wake (215 seconds ago): 5, last successful checkin: 175 seconds ago
service:, total successful checkins since wake (215 seconds ago): 2, last successful checkin: 114 seconds ago

Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff811da2b820 : 0xffffff800893f98b 
0xffffff811da2b870 : 0xffffff8008a76c15 
0xffffff811da2b8b0 : 0xffffff8008a6861e 
0xffffff811da2b900 : 0xffffff80088e6a40 
0xffffff811da2b920 : 0xffffff800893f077 
0xffffff811da2ba20 : 0xffffff800893f45b 
0xffffff811da2ba70 : 0xffffff80090d2e05 
0xffffff811da2bae0 : 0xffffff7f894ebad5 
0xffffff811da2baf0 : 0xffffff7f894eb7e6 
0xffffff811da2bb10 : 0xffffff8009067adb 
0xffffff811da2bb60 : 0xffffff8009070a73 
0xffffff811da2bca0 : 0xffffff8008a26672 
0xffffff811da2bdb0 : 0xffffff80089457f8 
0xffffff811da2be10 : 0xffffff800891c515 
0xffffff811da2be70 : 0xffffff8008932f75 
0xffffff811da2bf00 : 0xffffff8008a4eaf5 
0xffffff811da2bfa0 : 0xffffff80088e7226 
      Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[58392D62-D9E8-3022-85C1-B78AC93B9167]@0xffffff7f894ea000->0xffffff7f894f2fff

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: watchdogd

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.0.0: Wed Sep 25 20:18:50 PDT 2019; root:xnu-6153.11.26~2/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 70EDD61F-86EE-3E1B-873F-98D909B78160
Kernel slide:     0x0000000008600000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8008800000
__HIB  text base: 0xffffff8008700000
System model name: iMac18,2 (Mac-77F17D7DA9285301)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 124774427277282
last loaded kext at 91287139868749: >!AXsanScheme 3 (addr 0xffffff7f8c0b6000, size 32768)
last unloaded kext at 91347185543701: >!AXsanScheme 3 (addr 0xffffff7f8c0b6000, size 32768)
loaded kexts:
@filesystems.afpfs 11.1
@nke.asp-tcp 8.0.2
>!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver 153
>!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8
@kext.AMDFramebuffer 3.0.0
@kext.AMDRadeonX4000 3.0.0
>AudioAUUC 1.70
@kext.AMDRadeonServiceManager 3.0.0
>!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 4.1.46
@AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 4.1.46
>!AHV 1
|IOUserEthernet 1.0.1
|IO!BSerialManager 7.0.0f8
>!APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0
>AGPM 111.1.18
>X86PlatformShim 1.0.0
>pmtelemetry 1
@Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0
>!A!IKBLGraphics 14.0.0
@kext.AMD9500!C 3.0.0
>!AHDA 283.14
>!AThunderboltIP 3.1.3
|!ABCM5701Ethernet 10.3.5
|Broadcom!B20703USBTransport 7.0.0f8
>!A!IPCHPMC 2.0.1
>!AGFXHDA 100.1.421
>AirPort.BrcmNIC 1400.1.1
>eficheck 1
>!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking 4.0.0
>!AMCCSControl 1.12
>!A!IKBLGraphicsFramebuffer 14.0.0
@fileutil 20.036.15
@filesystems.autofs 3.0
>!AVirtIO 1.0
@filesystems.hfs.kext 522.0.9
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1
@BootCache 40
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0
@filesystems.apfs 1412.11.7
>!ASDXC 1.7.7
>!AAHCIPort 341.0.2
@private.KextAudit 1.0
>!AACPIButtons 6.1
>!ARTC 2.0
>!AAPIC 1.7
$!AImage4 1
@nke.applicationfirewall 302
$TMSafetyNet 8
@!ASystemPolicy 2.0.0
|EndpointSecurity 1
$SecureRemotePassword 1.0
>!AHIDKeyboard 209
>!AMultitouchDriver 3400.35
>!AInputDeviceSupport 3400.27
>!AHS!BDriver 153
>IO!BHIDDriver 7.0.0f8
@kext.AMDRadeonX4200HWLibs 1.0
@kext.AMDRadeonX4000HWServices 3.0.0
>!AGraphicsControl 4.1.46
|IOAVB!F 800.17
>!ASSE 1.0
>DspFuncLib 283.14
@kext.OSvKernDSPLib 529
@plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 800.14
@!AGPUWrangler 4.1.46
@kext.AMDSupport 3.0.0
>!AHDA!C 283.14
|IOHDA!F 283.14
|IOEthernetAVB!C 1.1.0
|Broadcom!BHost!CUSBTransport 7.0.0f8
|IO!BHost!CUSBTransport 7.0.0f8
|IO!BHost!CTransport 7.0.0f8
|IO!B!F 7.0.0f8
|IO!BPacketLogger 7.0.0f8
|IOAudio!F 300.2
@vecLib.kext 1.2.0
|IONDRVSupport 558.3
>!ASMBusPCI 1.0.14d1
|IO80211!F 1200.12.2b1
>mDNSOffloadUserClient 1.0.1b8
>corecapture 1.0.4
|IOSkywalk!F 1
>X86PlatformPlugin 1.0.0
>IOPlatformPlugin!F 6.0.0d8
|IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F 1.0.0
>!ASMBus!C 1.0.18d1
@!AGraphicsDeviceControl 4.1.46
|IOAccelerator!F2 438.1.23
|IOGraphics!F 558.3
@kext.triggers 1.0
>usb.networking 5.0.0
>usb.!UHostCompositeDevice 1.2
|IOSerial!F 11
|IOSurface 269.6
@filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext 1
>!AThunderboltDPInAdapter 6.2.3
>!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F 6.2.3
>!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter 2.5.2
>!AHPM 3.4.4
>!A!ILpssI2C!C 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssDmac 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssI2C 3.0.60
|IOAHCIBlock!S 316.0.5
|IOAHCI!F 290.0.1
|IONVMe!F 2.1.0
>!AThunderboltNHI 5.5.8
|IOThunderbolt!F 7.4.5
>usb.!UXHCIPCI 1.2
>usb.!UXHCI 1.2
|IOUSB!F 900.4.2
>!AEFIRuntime 2.1
|IOSMBus!F 1.1
|IOHID!F 2.0.0
$quarantine 4
$sandbox 300.0
@kext.!AMatch 1.0.0d1
>DiskImages 493.0.0
>!AFDEKeyStore 28.30
>!AEffaceable!S 1.0
>!AKeyStore 2
>!UTDM 489.11.2
|IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 422.0.2
>!ACredentialManager 1.0
>KernelRelayHost 1
>!ASEPManager 1.0.1
>IOSlaveProcessor 1
|IOTimeSync!F 800.14
|IONetworking!F 3.4
|IOUSBMass!SDriver 157.11.2
|IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F 422.0.2
|IO!S!F 2.1
|IOUSBHost!F 1.2
>!UHostMergeProperties 1.2
>usb.!UCommon 1.0
>!ABusPower!C 1.0
|CoreAnalytics!F 1
>!AMobileFileIntegrity 1.0.5
@kext.CoreTrust 1
|IOReport!F 47
>!AACPIPlatform 6.1
>!ASMC 3.1.9
>watchdog 1
|IOPCI!F 2.9
@kec.pthread 1
@kec.Libm 1
@kec.corecrypto 1.0



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